Friday, May 10, 2013

Not Exactly a Grammar Problem

Okay, a slight departure here, but still relevant to communication quality. This one doesn't make any specific grammar mistakes, but composition-wise, there's a pretty significant problem with the internal logic:
Hello Michael,

Thank you for your patience as we worked to resolve your cover concerns.

Unfortunately, in this instance, we are unable to waive our submission requirements or make adjustments to the cover image. You will need to correct your cover to meet submission requirements and resubmit this title to review. I apologize for any inconvenience this information may cause.

Did I solve your problem? Let us know here:

Best regards,

CreateSpace Member Services

So, to translate:
Hello Michael,

We have chosen to not solve your problem. Did I solve your problem?

Yeah, they really might want to think about reworking that automated part of their emails. All they'd need to do is have two form letters - one for when they're helpful, and one for when they're not.

Yes, I'll include contradictory language in my grammar blog. It's my blog and I can do what I want.

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